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eTrack is a Real Time GPS Tracking utility for customers of the eTrack group. With eTrack you can track the current location of your vehicles subscribed to any eTrack service. With our easy-to-use interface you will have access to the
following features:
Device Panel:
- View in one list all your vehicles along with their last known location, status (Ignition On, Ignition Off,
In Transit, Idling, Stopped, etc.), the date and time.
- If the vehicle is moving you will also see its speed.
- When a driver is assigned to the vehicle, you will see the name and phone number.
- This view autorefreshes every 20 seconds or more, depending on your settings.
Map Panel:
- View the location of a selected vehicle in a map. Available views are: satellite, hybrid, and Standard.
- Below the map you will find the details of the status, location, and driver. If the driver has a phone
assigned to it, you can clal him with just a press of a button.
- This view autorefreshes every 20 seconds or more, depending on your settings.
Breadcrumb Trail:
- View the detailed trail of a selected vehicle in any date you pick.
- Below the map you will see all the events of the selected date, including address, status, speed, etc.
eTrack is compatible with devices with Android 4.0 and above.
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